Message from the Piedmont Police Chief, Jeremy Bowers:
It is my privilege to introduce the Piedmont Police Department’s Strategic Plan for 2021-2024. This strategic plan represents the collaborative efforts of many people who took the time and had the trust to engage in open and honest conversations about community safety in our City.
This plan, and the work contained in it, comes at a critical time in our City’s history. Navigating a pandemic and addressing social equity issues, all with the specter of environmental challenges and natural disasters in the background, require us as a community to come together. While the outcomes of these challenges are not known we are confident that our partnerships, openness, and accountability will position the Department to meet the current day challenges as well as challenges yet to come.
Watch the 2021 – 2024 Strategic Plan Introductory Video
In this strategic plan you will find 5 identified priorities and objectives which are aligned with our Vision, Mission and Values to provide police services, programs and facilities that meet the needs of a diverse community in a financially responsible manner.
We are appreciative of all who contributed to the development of this plan, which as a living breathing document, provides a roadmap for our organization and community to realize a safe, equitable, and effective form of policing to contribute to a vibrant community.
Piedmont Police Department _Stategic Plan
Our Vision: The Piedmont Police Department contributes to community safety and equity by continually exemplifying the best of policing.
Our Mission: The Piedmont Police Department is dedicated to providing quality service in an honest, ethical and impartial manner. We strive to reduce crime and improve public safety by engaging with our community and utilizing innovative technology.
Our Values:
- INTEGRITY: Our organizational legitimacy is based on the ethics and honesty of each employee to ensure we earn and maintain trust.
- PROFESSIONALISM: As dedicated employees, we are committed to and accountable for providing outstanding service.
- RESPECT: With each personal encounter, we treat all with dignity and acknowledge the need for voice and listening in order to build trust and find solution.
Focus Group Information
The development of the 3-year strategic plan was a multi-step project that at its inception sought to gather a wide spectrum of input from the community, police department staff and other City employees. The Department retained the professional services of Dr. Marilyn Manning and her team to conduct the following focus group sessions with community members representing the following groups:
- Piedmont League of Women Voters
- Piedmont Public Safety Committee
- Piedmont Seniors
- Piedmont Anti-Racist Diversity Committee (PADC)
- Piedmont Racial Equity Campaign (PREC)
- Corpus Christi Church
- Piedmont Community Church
- Kehilla Synagogue
- Piedmont Unified School District
- Neighborhood Representatives
Watch the Focus Group Videos to get a snapshot of what the Piedmont Community Members had to say:
What Are The Strengths Of The Piedmont Police Department
What Does PPD Do Well
What are the challenges for the Piedmont Police Department
Where Could The Piedmont Police Department Do Better
What Are Opportunities For The Piedmont Police Department
What Are Threats Or Areas of Concern For The Piedmont Police Department
Watch here...
Community Feedback
At the Piedmont Police Department, we believe that it is important to maintain the highest levels of service and integrity. Cooperation and understanding between members of the community and the police are necessary to help keep Piedmont safe. In the course of our operations, we understand the importance of the interactions between Police Department employees and community members or visitors. In that, we have established a process for the community to provide feedback on employee conduct that they find exemplary or unprofessional. Find out more...